Michael L Perry

Delivering Continuous Value from the First Iteration

Iteration Zero! What your product owner hears is "A whole iteration with zero to show." Let's set up a pipeline for delivering value to the product…

Iteration Zero! What your product owner hears is "A whole iteration with zero to show."

Let's set up a pipeline for delivering value to the product owner. It can be improved over time. It just needs to demonstrate the value of both the product and the process.

I'll walk you through building a value pipeline including source control, unit testing, integration testing, database migration, configuration management, and deployment. We'll be setting up VisualStudio.com, Entity Framework, SQL Server, and Azure. You'll use Git and PowerShell to automate the whole process. It's a lot of pieces all working together, and a lot of fun to set up.

But the real value is in delivering to the product owner a progressively better system. While we are setting up their pipeline, they are giving us feedback on navigation, layout, and information architecture. This feedback will help us improve the product from the very first iteration. And as the product improves, so does the delivery pipeline.

Recorded at Tulsa .NET User Group

Michael Perry

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