Michael L Perry

Integration Testing of Entity Framework Applications

Entity Framework is the best way to create a data access layer in .NET. This course will show you how to test that data access layer, whether you are using…

Entity Framework is the best way to create a data access layer in .NET. This course will show you how to test that data access layer, whether you are using EF6 or EF Core.

Having a good integration test suite is your greatest asset. In this course, Integration Testing of Entity Framework Applications, you'll learn that a good integration test suite is the best way to ensure the quality of your Entity Framework application. First, you'll set up a Continuous Integration server to rebuild a database and run all integration tests on every checkin. Next, you'll keep your test readable and resilient to change, so that they help you implement new features rather than hold you back. Finally, you'll find the balance between unit tests and integration tests so that you use the best technique in every case. After this course, you'll know that by investing in a quality test suite you'll increase both velocity and quality.

On Pluralsight

Michael Perry

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