Michael L Perry

Fundamentals of Distributed Systems

Making a reliable centralized application is hard enough, but distributed systems require extra consideration. Explore the properties of a reliable service…

Making a reliable centralized application is hard enough, but distributed systems require extra consideration.

Making a reliable centralized application is hard enough, but distributed systems require some extra consideration. This course will teach you the concepts and basic patterns of reliable distributed systems.

Distributed systems are hard to build, complicated to run, and difficult to understand. If you need one, then it’s because a centralized application just won't do.

In this course, Fundamentals of Distributed Systems, you’ll learn to build and operate complex systems made of loosely connected services.

  • Explore the properties of a reliable service.
  • Discover how to connect services together using messages and APIs.
  • Learn how to apply patterns to tackle hard collaborative problems.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of distributed systems needed to design and operate software at a global scale.

Distributed systems are hard to build, complicated to run, and difficult to understand. If you need one, then it’s because a centralized application just won't do. In this course, Fundamentals of Distributed Systems, you’ll learn to build and operate complex systems made of loosely connected services.

First, you’ll explore the properties of a reliable service. Next, you’ll discover how to connect services together using messages and APIs. Finally, you’ll learn how to apply patterns to tackle hard collaborative problems. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of distributed systems needed to design and operate software at a global scale.

On Pluralsight

Michael Perry

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